Class of 2020


Student Clinic

All are welcome here.

Student Interns join our teaching clinic in the third and fourth year of our program to provide Classical Five-Element Acupuncture treatments to clients under the supervision of licensed professional acupuncturists in order to earn hours towards their degree completion. All ITEA Supervisors have extensive experience with CF-EA and are experts in our clinical training program.



New clients are assigned a primary student practitioner who they will continue working with for regular treatment. People of all ages and backgrounds are welcome in our Clinic.

Many clients find acupuncture at our Clinic to be extremely beneficial when other treatment modalities have been unsuccessful.


ITEA Client Information


Clinic Hours

Monday: 12 pm-4 pm
Tuesday: 10 am-8 pm
Wednesday: 12 pm-6 pm
Thursday: 10 am-8 pm
Friday: 10 am-2 pm 

Clinic Rates

Initial Appointment:
$80 (3 hours)
Regular Appointment:
$58 (2 hours)
Ask about student discounts

Veteran Rates

Initial Veteran Appointment:
$80 (3 hours)
Regular Veteran Appointment:
$38 (2 hours)


Free AcuWellness

Every Wednesday, we offer free stress relief AcuDetox treatments to veterans, first responders and the community.
More Info

“Acupuncture treatments at ITEA have not only allowed me to address the physical symptoms of why I first started coming, but has also helped me grow in my understanding of how my emotional wellbeing impacts it. With the help of my student intern and the supervisors here, I now live a happy and pain free life.”
Clinic Client

Appointments and Location

Phone: (720) 890-1577

317 W. South Boulder Road
Suite 2
Louisville, CO 80027

Classical Five Element Acupuncture –
Support Your Most Authentic Self

“I have achieved more in my time with ITEA than I ever believed possible! My student intern is thorough and always finds the root of the problem, then proceeds to give me the best treatment possible. I love ITEA and it’s caring, dedicated staff.”
Robbie, Client


Excellence in Safety and Health

In 2008, as a result of excellent OSHA inspections of the ITEA Clinic operations and all safety procedures, ITEA became the only acupuncture college in the nation to be nominated to receive the prestigious Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARPS) membership.

ITEA received SHARPS certification renewal in October 2023.

"Both my wife and I have felt a wonderful sense of harmony enter our household since we started treatment here. I look forward to coming back each time. Thank you so much for all you do ITEA."
Aaron, Client

Veterans and
First Responders

Our free weekly Clinic is proud to offer this service to all in our community, including healthcare providers, first responders, and  veterans, active service members, and family of their households.

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