Should I Study Acupuncture?
As you have an interest in acupuncture school, you probably already know that as an acupuncture practitioner you’ll be able to help people. You may also be aware of the personally transformational nature of our program. But you may be looking at the significant investment of time and money, and wondering whether you can make this your career.
The acceptance and use of acupuncture is increasing. This has been an observable trend for over 20 years now, supported by the rising cost of traditional healthcare as well as the rising public interest in approaches that treat the whole person. Nearly half of all employers are offering coverage for acupuncture to their employees, and Millennials, who make up half our workforce, are very open to it.
As more evidence of acupuncture reaching mainstream status, many hospital systems, like Johns Hopkins and Duke University, now offer acupuncture to patients suffering from addiction, headaches, low back pain, fibromyalgia, and many other ailments. Taken together, we believe these are strong indicators that the demand for acupuncture will continue to increase.
While we can’t guarantee anyone a job after graduation, 92% of ITEA Graduates are Practicing Classical Five-Element Acupuncture, with most of these in private or group practices, but seven percent work within a hospital system. So it seems the demand is there, and that the vast majority of our graduates find it rewarding.
All that being said, the question of whether or not you should go to school for acupuncture is ultimately a very personal question. Our challenging program is not for everyone, and we do make an effort through our admissions process to select students who will spend a rewarding lifetime helping others. The only way to figure out if ITEA is right for you is for us to learn more about each other. Please do contact our registrar and let’s begin that process!